Four-Man Team Events

Note: When applicable for teams with less than four players, a blind draw from another team will be used to compute the team score. The blind draw’s playing level will be equivalent to the playing level (A, B, C or D) of the missing player from that team.

Team Stableford: Points are awarded for each player’s net score on each hole using the following point system:

  • Double Bogey or higher = O points
  • Bogey = 1 point
  • Par = 2 points
  • Birdie = 3 points
  • Eagle = 4 points
  • Double Eagle = 5 points

Team Quota: Each player is given a point quota to achieve based on handicap. The quota is determined by subtracting his handicap from 36. The objective for each player is to accumulate more points than his quota requires. All scores are based on gross score with the following point system:

  • Double Bogey or higher = O points
  • Bogey = 1 point
  • Par = 2 points
  • Birdie = 4points
  • Eagle = 6 points
  • Double Eagle = 8 points

The team with the most plus point or the least minus point is the winner.

Two Best Stableford of Four: Points are awarded for the best two net scores for each hole using the following point system:

  • Double Bogey or higher = 0 points
  • Bogey = 1 points
  • Par = 2 points
  • Birdie = 3 points
  • Eagle = 4 points
  • Double Eagle = 5 points

One Best Ball of Four: The team score for each hole is the lowest net score.

Two Best Balls: The team score for each hole is the sum of the two lowest net scores.

Three Best Balls of Four: The team score for each hole is the sum of the three lowest net scores.

Scramble: Each team member tees off, select one of those shots, and each team member hits from that location. Repeat this process to the conclusion of each hole. The team must use the tee shot of each player THREE times per round. For teams with less than four players the fourth shot will be rotated on each hole between the remaining players. This pre-determined rotation will be maintained throughout the round (you do not start over on each hole).

Modified Scramble: Everyone will tee off and then select the best positioned golf ball to use. The person whose ball is chosen does NOT hit the 2nd shot, the other 3 players do. Select the best position for the next shot and the persons ball that is selected will NOT hit the 3rd shot, the other 3 players do. Continue with this format until you arrive at the green. Once on the green, all 4 players may putt.

Orange, White & Blue Scramble: Same as the scramble above except player play from the orange, white and blue tees starting with the orange tees on hole number one.

Shamble: Each team member tees off and the best shot is selected. From there, each member of the team plays their own ball to the completion of each hole and the sum of four scores recorded. Each individual score will be determined based on full handicaps. The three tee shot rule will apply and, in the event of a three man team, the predetermined rotation will be used but only for the tee, thereafter choose the best drive and each of the three man team member will play individually from that point. The team will receive their fourth score per hole.

Two-Man Team Events

Note: When applicable for a team with less than two players, a blind draw from another team will be used to compute the team score. The blind draw’s playing level will be equivalent to the playing level (A, B, C or D) of the missing player from that team. Games will alternate flights between A&B and C&D and A&D and B&C.

Team Stableford: Points are awarded for each player’s net score on each hole using the following point system:

  • Double Bogey or higher = 0 points
  • Bogey = 1 point
  • Par = 2 points
  • Birdie = 3 points
  • Eagle = 4 points
  • Double Eagle 5 points

Team Net: Team score for each hole is the total of both players’ net scores.

Scramble: Each team member tees off, select one of those shots, and each team member hits from that location. Repeat this process to the conclusion of each hole. The team must use the tee shots of each player

THREE times per round. For teams with less than four players the fourth shot will be rotated on each hole between the remaining players.

Modified Scramble: This is similar to a regular scramble until the ball determined to be in play is on the green. From there, all team members will play out their own ball, resulting in Two scores for each hole. The team score is the sum of the scores.

Best Ball: Best net score of the two players will be use as the team score for the hole.


Individual Events

Individual Events by Flights (all individual events will be plighted)

Individual Net Score: Full handicap will be deducted from the total gross score. Each hole must be played out to conclusion.

Individual Stableford: Point are awarded for each player’s net score using the following point system: Double Bogey or higher = O points

  • Double Bogey or higher = O points
  • Bogey = 1 point
  • Par = 2 points
  • Birdie = 3 points
  • Eagle = 4 points
  • Double Eagle = 5 points

Individual Quota: Each player is given a point quota to achieve based on handicap. The quota is determined by subtracting his handicap from 36. The objective is to accumulate more points than your quota. All scoring is based on gross scores whit the following point system:

  • Double Bogey or higher = O points
  • Bogey = 1 point
  • Par = 2 points
  • Birdie = 4points
  • Eagle = 6 points
  • Double Eagle = 8 points

The player with the most points over his quota or the least points under his quota is the winner.

Blind 9 Holes: The winning score is based on only 9 holes, selected individually from the 18 to be played. The holes are not selected until all groups have started play.

Beat the Pro: The member plays his net score vs. the Pros gross score. The winners are those players that beat the Pros gross score.



CHMGA Championship

Players will be divided into flights. There will be Blue and White tee flights. The CHMGA League Champion shall be the player with the lowest gross score for the two-day event and must have played from the Blue Tees. In the event of a tie for League Champion, a sudden death playoff beginning on hole eighteen (continuing to #1 and so on if necessary) will determine the winner. An entry fee, to be determined, will be charged for this event.

CHMGA Match Play Championship

This is a single-elimination match play tournament. The Low Net event will establish your qualifying position for the Match Play Tournament. The low 32 qualifiers will be seeded by net qualifying score. In the event of less than 32 entrants, byes will be given to the lowest net qualifiers.

Subsequent matches will be played within one week. (A week begins on Wednesday and ends on Tuesday). If either of the players is unable to play within that week, that player forfeits the match. An entry fee, to be determined, will be charged for this event.

CHMGA Candler Cup

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