Candler Hills Men's Golf Association By-Laws

The objectives of the Candler Hills Men’s Golf Association Incorporated, a Not-For-Profit Corporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida, shall be to conduct weekly golfing events and various tournaments for the benefit of the members of the association in an environment that promotes good fellowship, sportsmanship, a sense of fair play and a respect for the game.

Article I

Section 1. A nine (9) member Board of Directors consisting of a President, Vice- President, Secretary, Treasurer and five (5) At-Large Directors shall conduct the affairs of the association.

Section 2. Directors shall be elected at the annual membership meeting of the association, which will be held on the first Tuesday of November of each year.

Section 3. Board members shall serve for three years and shall take office the first Tuesday of January following their election.

Section 4. The Board of Directors shall meet monthly and on call of the President or his designated representative. Six (6) members shall constitute a quorum.

Section 5. The Board of Directors shall appoint members to fill any vacancies that may arise on the board. Members appointed shall serve out the remaining term of the replaced member.

Article II

Section 1. Any male resident of the Candler Hills Community, any male member of the Candler Hills Golf Club or any male resident of an OTOW Community to include Indigo East & West and WeyBourne Landing shall be eligible for membership in the Candler Hills Men’s Golf Association upon payment of the annual membership fee and be in compliance with the rules and regulations of the association.

Section 2. Members in good standing shall be entitled to one (1) vote at all regular and special meetings of the association. All voting must be in person at the meeting or at the discretion of the board. 

Section 3. Special meetings of the members shall be at the discretion of the President or, in his absence, the Vice-President or by a majority vote of the Board of Directors or by a petition signed by twenty (20) percent of the members of the association.

Article III

Section 1. The Treasurer, who shall serve without bond, shall account for the monies of the association. The funds shall be kept in a recognized financial institution. An annual audit shall be conducted by someone not affiliated with CHMGA before the beginning of a new fiscal year.

Section 2. The Treasurer’s report shall be presented at each monthly Board of Directors meeting. Upon the election of a new Treasurer, there shall be reconciliation between the outgoing and incoming Treasurer to insure the accuracy of the financial accounts on hand.

Section3. The fiscal year shall be from January 1 to December 31. (The fiscal year for 2023 will be extended two months which will include Nov. 1, 2022 to Dec. 31, 2023 to accommodate this change.)

Section 4. All association funds shall be used solely for the benefit of the members.

Article IV

Section 1. Following the election at the November Member’s Meeting, the new board shall meet in a special session to determine which of its’ members shall serve as President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The remaining five members will serve as At-Large Directors. The board will also determine the members of the Tournament Committee, Handicap Committee and all other committees deemed necessary by said board.

Section 2. The Tournament Committee shall consist of the Vice-President and two (2) At-Large Directors.

Section 3. The Handicap Committee shall consist of two (2) members of the CHMGA board that will be designated to support the OTOW Golf Community Handicap Committee and will work in conjunction with the Candler Hills Golf Professional Staff to maintain the integrity of the handicap program.

Section 4. The Board of Directors as a whole will serve as the Rules Committee.

Article V

Section 1. Members shall be held individually responsible when committing to play in association events and for their conduct during those events. Members who do not show up to play without proper advanced notice, who engage in an altercation, or are found guilty of violating the rules of golf and good sportsmanship shall be subject to suspension and/or disqualification from participating in association events. The suspension or disqualification shall be for a prescribed period of time as recommended by the Tournament Committee and approved by the Board of Directors.

Section 2. These by-laws may be amended, altered or revised with a 75% yea vote by the Board of Directors and with a 60% yea vote by the general membership.